Saturday, April 2, 2016

WIP: HG IBO 1/144 Grimgerde

So I went on a 4 day Japan trip (in Osaka), but was not able to find time to buy some Gunpla :( But we had 1 hour at a mall and was able to find a Toys R Us, I grabbed some kits available there (i.e. 2 kits). This one is 10 yen or so cheaper than the price indicated in the box, but still way cheaper than here in the PH due to the exchange rate. With that said, let's build Chocolate Man's 2nd suit, the 1/144 Grimgerde.

masked blonde man with family grudge? check!

The kit is simple and small, consisting of just 2 main runners in red and gray, with small runners of white, black and gold. Foil stickers are included for the eyes and the grey bits in the shied. It's a simple kit you can breeze through in less than an hour if you don't bother detailing the kit.

being passive/aggressive to OOB builders eh
Let's start by grabbing the main "spine" which is just 2 halves.

Then add some bulk to the upper torso

Notice how it only has 1 Ahab reactor integrated into it's frame, as compared to Barbatos' (or any other Gundam Frame) which has 2.

Then grab the front red piece and plug it in the chest.

Grab the white cables for the torso and plug them under the ahab reactor core.

Now grab and assemble what will become the base of the shoulders.

Plug the 2 pieces into the built torso.

Grab the 2 black thruster pieces and peg them into the back.

Grab the polycap ball joint, neck polycap and the 3 red armor pieces to complete the torso.

Voila! completed main torso. There are no hydraulics to fill in the front bit, so it kinda looks like a curved spine with armor and no supports.

Now to start the head, grab the sensor and the back of the head and put them together.

Grab the remaining armor pieces to build the knight like helmet. Will probably turn this into a black night set from Dark souls.

Plug it into the body. Notice how the lower faceplate "sinks" into the suit. Indicative of the range eh?

project arms Knight comes to mind
Proceed with the shoulder pads, grab the armor pieces and peg them together. I love how the assembly for this part is devoid of seamlines.

Now build the shoulder joint, which is just 2 pieces.

The shoulder pads simply clip into the shoulders. No polycap connection here.

Now for the arms, grab what will become the elbow and peg 'em together.

Grab the forearms and sandwich the elbow joints

Now grab he bicep armor and the forearm cables. Now the cables need painting since all cables in Grimmy needs to be in white. The only cable that's in white in the kit is the torso oddly enough.

Now get the hands and piece them together. Simple enough, but there are no alternate hands.

Peg all the arm pieces together and you get the completed arms. Range of motion is so far excellent for the arms.

Slap them in the torso and you have the completed upper body.

Let's keep going (yes, we're gonna complete it). Onto the feet.

Based on the polycap placement, does not look like it'll pose very well.

weird. This image does not want to align.
Now grab the knee and thigh pieces. Here's were some of the cost saving comes in. Notice the hollow thigh pieces. Hopefully it'll not be too obvious in the completed kit.

Grab the lower legs (shins?) and sandwich it around the knee. Again the white cables are grey here.

Assemble the hips. Pretty straight forward design.

Grab the ankle piece and peg them all together. The ankle piece is on a peg that can swivel 90 degrees, so the ankle tilt issue could be all but moot.

Grab the 3 armor pieces and slot them in the inner frame. Most of IBO suits have frontal armor. No armor at the back really, with all the exposed cables and wires.

Last 2 pieces are the hip skirt, which pegs into he hip joint instead of the crotch assembly and the ankle guard.

Just peg the foot and we're done. Rinse and repeat for the other leg.

Moving into the crotch. It comes in 3 pieces. No swiveling hip connection here, only pegs.

Add the legs and you've got the completed lower portion. It really looks like a knight, design-wise. Even more so than the Kimaris.

Peg join the two halves and you get the completed Grimgerde. The way the skirts form around the waist, the helmet and the shoulder design are unmistakably knight-like.

In comparison, here is a pic of Knight Artorias.

There's still the weapons of course. Grimgerde has 2. 1st thing the instructions let you build is it's gun. Which looks like a sub machinegun with a long barrel. Not very knight like yet.

The other weapons are a pair of short swords and shields, which can combined together. Construction is simple enough. Swords have a cross hilt, very medieval, while the shield is all modern... kinda clashes a bit, but overall contributes to it's sleekness. the hilts have pegs to peg into the shield, while the shield can peg into holes in the forearms of the Grimgerde.

Add it to the suit and the suit is completed. Looks pretty snazzy. I need to look for a 1/144 scale bastard sword now.

He's all hyped for Dark Souls 3... with all the references here.

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