Thursday, November 19, 2015

WIP: 1/12 Scale Darth Vader part 2

It's a holiday, but despite that, I still have work :( But we get to work from home (ah IT life), so I had a little time to work on post-Obi-wan chopped Anakin. So this post is for the legs and crotch of the Dark Lord.

It's piloted by some Masked Man. Except in Red, not black

Starting with the crotch. I was expecting a 2 piece affair, but surprised it was more involved.

start with the butt, and 2 polycaps which...

when assembled, allows the hips to swivel down, ala-figuart

grab the front crotch piece and the ball joint for the waist...

you get this...

now the actual cod piece and the butt plug

stop watching porn please
and you get the completed crotch. Interesting detail is there seems to be a place were the Dark Lord to release his force lightning...

wait... you're human???
then you grab the belt pieces

you also get stickers for these.. but I only used the silver one. The rest are filled in with Gundam Marker

he needs to find his red marker. for those 2 buttons
now grab the belt, the crotch and 2 more pieces for the robe attachment...

and you get the completed lower half of Sir Vader

force touch will make his lightsaber activate

combined with the upper body and you get this.

For the legs, 1st start with with these..

and these...

and you get the hip and knees.

Now take the thigh pieces...

and you get a burnt chicken wing

Frankie's chicken wings. *droool
and take the lower leg pieces

and you get the shiny armored shins

interesting to note, that front shin armor, the shiny one has some mold flash

wow, readers can really see it
Anyway, on too the foot. Grab these pieces...

and you get Darth Foot

put all the pieces together and you get the legs.

Put them all together and you get Anakin, with his arms chopped of by Obi-Wan

Now I'm off to a work meeting..@9pm :((

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